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Wombat Dreaming

Childrens' books

book cover Mind's Eye (Short stories. HarperCollins1996)

Mind's Eye is a collection of five longish short stories... as the blurb says - 'in the mind's eye anything can happen - from a blind singer who sees songs in the wind, a lonely bunyip who only wants one thing for Christmas, a boy who watches... but finds he is watched in turn...’.

The final story is based on my Grandmother's memories of the 1919 influenza epidemic, when schools and churches were closed and the adults all either ill or tending the sick. She and her brother rode around the farms on their bicycles to tend the animals, through a land deserted by people, with only the cows bawling to be milked, the lonely dogs, the hens that may not have been fed for days or weeks. The 1919 epidemic is an almost forgotten part of Australian history - so many people died, but it was overshadowed by World War 1 - and when it was over people only wanted to forget.