From Jackie (January 2007)
It’s hot. I’m hot. The garden is hot. The wombats aren’t hot, as they’re sensibly deep down their holes where the temperature doesn’t change much all year round. (The next house I build is going to be partly underground. Seriously. Except I profoundly hope I never will have to build another house. I’m glad I did it once. But once is enough.)
It hasn’t been a bad Christmas. Well, Christmas itself was lovely, a slow trickle of friends calling in over the past three weeks. But the weather was about as good as it could be…okay, 100 mm of rain would have been better. Let’s just say it was as good as one can expect in a drought. The southerlies blew nicely from the alps and the arctic, the days were cool, the nights even cooler, and even better, there were a few days of drizzle, enough to leave the grass green and growing even if the soil below was dust, and give us all- humans, wombats, wallabies etc- a feeling that we might all survive the summer.
Even the garden perked up. Somehow the beans are producing with less than 20 mm of rain since I planted them- and absolutely no watering either. I mulched them deeply as soon as they came up; the wallabies munched them about a week alter. And then I forgot about them in the dry and heat, till just before Christmas I noticed the beans.
Wacko. And lovely tender things they are too, full of flavour . . . read on
The first web entry from 1999
This site is a (probably vain) attempt to cut down on the number of letters in our overstuffed mailbox up in town. I try to answer all kid's letters, (a few thousand a year), but most adult enquiries are slowly eaten by silverfish in the pile by the sofa that the wombat knocked off the table last December and I haven't got round to collecting yet...
Some time or other we'll get round to throwing them in the compost.
Hopefully, the stuff in here will give kids enough material for their projects, and let everyone else find out which book they need to get out of the library to find out what they want to know or if you're feeling flush you can buy it from the contacts supplied.
I only have two hands (both of which are sometimes occupied with things other than answering mail), one tired brain and a computer that depends on sun or a creek powered waterwheel to power it.
But I promise - the answers are in the books, somewhere. (I did keep my fingers crossed with that promise.) 
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