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Wombat Dreaming

Gardening books

Jackie French's Household Herbal $A9.95 (EarthGarden, 1998)

This is a book about my favourite herbs and favourite herbal products. I wish it could have been twenty times as long (no, make that forty). But that would have made it expensive ...

So this is a compromise. I'm sorry if I've left out your favourites or stopped talking about a subject just as you were getting interested. Hopefully, this book will stimulate you to read more about herbs, plant more herbs, love and be lavish with herbs.

Herbs find their way into every part of our lives here. Their use, their sheer generosity - are my passion. I hope I've communicated just a bit of that to you.

Cooking with herbs

Medicinal Herbs

Herbs for Pets

Cleaning things with herbs

Cosmetic herbs

Aphrodisiac Herbs

Pesticide herbs

How to grow herbs